How Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy And Comics Help Explore Our Own Humanity
How Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy And Comics Help Explore Our Own Humanity
The story revolves around Amy Adams, known as “Mother” in the movie, who puts her artistic career on hold to raise her son (Arleigh and Emmett Snowden). We see the frustration build in her as every seemingly small task becomes a huge chore (for instance, a simple paint-on-paper activity with her son turns into the paint all over the house). She has to do the same monotonous tasks—cooking, cleaning—every day and interact with people she normally wouldn’t if she didn’t have a child. The buildup from that, along with insufferable cluelessness and lack of support from “Husband,” played by Scoot McNairy, leads her to start growing strange hair and features at night until she finally becomes a female dog during those hours.
Two highly-trained operatives are appointed to posts in guard towers on opposite sides of a vast and highly classified gorge, protecting the world from a mysterious evil that lurks within. They work together to keep the secret in the gorge.
MoreThe new trailer for Jurassic World Trialer featured on Sci-Fi Talk Plus