How Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy And Comics Help Explore Our Own Humanity
How Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy And Comics Help Explore Our Own Humanity
My subscriber’s choices for the Mix 100 from Sci-Fi Talk Plus, counting up from 100-90 which includes The Walking Dead, Brian Yuzna, Mothherland Fort Salem, Fear The Walking Dead, Star Trek Picard writer, Misha Collins off Supernatural, writer Tim Sheridan Of Batman The Long Halloween, and Code 8’s Robbie Amell.
The new trailer for Jurassic World Trialer featured on Sci-Fi Talk Plus
MoreThe actors talk their roles, who Iris is, their director and their type of person. This is the complete sit down interview supplied by Warner Bros. On Sci-Fi Talk Plus, The Behind The Curtain video episode is also available featuring a clip.