Sci-Fi Talk Is Now On Youtube/Labor Day Weekend


Sept. 5, 2024

Sci-Fi Talk Weekly News On Darryl Dixon Casting, A New Harvey Dent, A…

Yes, there is news on Darryl Dixon now shooting in Spain, Bettlejuice 2 could rank in the cash, a look at the new Harvey Dent in Joker2, Star Trek's Social Campaign, New horror A Mother's Embrace, News on new Blade …

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Sept. 4, 2024

Confined Space Pod And Many Problems In Don't Say Earth

I chat with actor Blake Watson and his writer director Ben Carland about filming this interesting space drama on a tight budget. A film worthy to check out on Amazon Prime. Subscribe To Sci-Fi Talk Plus

Episode page
Aug. 30, 2024

Sci-Fi Talk Blocks Episode One

This episode has a list on phenomenal sci-fi movies, the Mix 100 episode 57 with Interview with Adam Stovall on this dark humor haunting tale, A Ghost Waits, a byte episode featuring Kal-El Tuck of Time Bandits. Subscribe to ...

Episode page
July 11, 2024

Celebrating Starfleet Academy, Hellboy's Return, and Jonathan Frakes …

Sci-Fi Talk Weekly for July 11, 2024. This is our 99th episode, and we have a lot of exciting news to cover. Joined by my AI co-host, Bella, we'll discuss major headlines including new casting for Starfleet Academy, tributes ...

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